What a Girl Needs: Golf Bag Essentials


Your everyday handbag is normally jam packed with a mixture of essential and not-so-essential items to make sure you’re prepared for all eventualities. Arranging your golf bag in a similar way will ensure you have the right kit on hand to deal with an unexpected weather change, a mid-round hunger pang or even a wardrobe malfunction. Try to get into the habit of updating your golf bag every couple of months to restock supplies or adjust your kit to reflect the time of year so that you don’t get caught in a blizzard with only sun cream to help you. We have pulled together a selection of items that you can stow in your golf bag until you really need them… Trust us, your future self will be really pleased you planned ahead!

Golf Gear

There are some obvious items such as clubs, tees and balls, that you will need every time you play, we always recommended packing a few extras of the smaller essentials just to be on the safe side. A ball marker is a great way to keep track of where you are on the green when playing in a group – this could be as simple as a coin, or some golf courses even sell branded versions. Extra stationery will ensure you can always keep track of your score: a couple of miniature pens or pencils will do the job, or you can get sports pens that are designed with clips to attach them to a zip for easy access. A golf towel is a very versatile item to have in your kit, whether you need to wipe things down after a sudden shower or clean your clubs on the go.

Health Essentials

Packing a few health essentials is a great idea as getting a plaster or sun cream whilst out on the golf course can be tricky. A small emergency first aid kit has items such as plasters and antiseptic wipes which you could help with a scratch or blister as well as some helpful additions like safety pins. A sun cream stick offers the same protection as sun cream but is less likely to leak in your bag whilst SPF lip balm can help protect lips in the hot sun but also sooth chapped lips in cold weather and high winds. A selection of hairbands and hair clips will help keep your hair out of your eyes whilst playing and thicker Alice bands are great at keeping your ears warm too.

Lightweight Layers

As the British weather is so unpredictable, a few light layers stashed in your kit can help keep the chill off and make sure you stay dry whilst playing. A thin thermal top or quarter zip sports jumper will offer an extra layer of warmth whilst out on the go. A pac-a-mac or disposable rain poncho will take up very little space in your kit and can be useful all year round. Extra socks are also a good idea as there is nothing worse than a round of golf with soggy cold feet!

Simple Snacking

A full game of golf can take around four hours to complete, and a bit of preparation can ensure you don’t get hungry whilst out playing. Energy bars generally have a great shelf life and are easy to eat whilst on the move, but we recommend avoiding chocolaty, sticky options as these could melt in your bag. It goes without saying that hydration is key so invest in a good quality drinks bottle that can be used for both hot and cold drinks so that you can be prepared all year round.

You don’t need all these items to play a round of golf, these are just some simple suggestions that you might find useful packing as part of your kit. At love.golf we believe golf should be easy and accessible for all women and your kit can be as simple or as complex as you want to make it! Speak to some of your fellow golfers or your golf coach and you might be surprised by the items they class as a golf bag essential!


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