adam bryant

Walsall Golf Club

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Current Month

Walsall Golf Club (West Midlands)Walsall Golf Club, Broadway, Walsall, West Midlands, WS1 Taster Sessionthu22may17:30thu18:3017:30 - 18:30(GMT+00:00)

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About Adam Bryant

Adam began his golfing life at Wishaw Golf Club, where he was a member for a few years before moving to Sutton Coldfield Golf Club, quickly lowering his handicap and starting to play in scratch events around the country.
After a few years competing, and a few wins under his belt, Adam had the opportunity to help the Head Professional at Sutton Coldfield, Patrick Brady, with coaching the junior section, and quickly fell in love with coaching! This led to Adam starting the road to becoming a PGA Pro, whilst still coaching and playing where he could! Coaching soon became a priority and his client base grew day by day.


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Walsall Golf Club

Broadway, Walsall
West Midlands

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Call 07931 810793

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