Emilio Dellanzo

Prise d’Eau Golf Academy

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About Emilio Dellanzo

Having been introduced to golf at a very young age, Emilio turned his passion into his job which allowed him to travel and work in multiple countries over the last 10 years. Currently based in the Netherlands, Emilio runs the Prise D’Eau Golf Academy where they like to do things differently – a perfect fit for love.golf

They believe that golf needs a revolution to retain its significance and grow the game and are not afraid to add a pinch of atmosphere and some love.golf attitude to their coaching! Don’t be surprised to see Emilio or any of the Prise D’Eau Golf Academy coaches wearing non-traditional golfing clothes such as hoodies and playing music on the course through portable speakers.


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Fynn Valley Golf Club (Ipswich)Fynn Valley Golf Club, Witnesham Road, Ipswich IP6 9JALove.golf Taster sessionsat22mar12:00sat14:0012:00 - 14:00(GMT+00:00)


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Prise d’Eau Golf Academy


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Call (013) 462 82 00

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